This is the result of stinky little squirrels getting into my flower pots! This has gone on ALL summer and for the last two weeks I have had these flowers on my front porch! It has been driving my nuts, but I've been trying to be patient....Today I found a scene much worse then this so I took a deep breath and swept up the soil and put it back into the pots. Well- not 15min later I looked out our door window and saw this....so....
I put Zoe on watch duty.... And told Mike to do whatever it takes to get rid of the squirrel...

While I was gone.....

This is what he came up with......

Caught him in 25 min! poor little guy!
if you put cayenne pepper on your plants, the squirrels will leave them alone too. and it doesn't hurt your plants. happy hunting!
we have his cousins in our backyard. I'm sure someone in our area has a bb gun you can borrow. Until then, get 'em Zoe!!!
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