Being as today is the day we set aside to express our feelings for the ones we love, I thought I would do just that! I know I've said it before, but I am truly grateful for my husband. I remember the first time I saw Mike, he was in the middle of a group of people making everyone laugh! I knew there was something special about him, I had no idea it was the fact he would be my husband in only 6 short years later... He has grown into my best friend and makes me want to be a better person. From getting to know him I've gotten to know myself so much more. Now on a lighter note I thought I would share another reason why I think I'll keep him around...Not all husbands have this, but Mike certainly does… the gift of poetry! He writes me the cutest poems I just have to share one he wrote me while we were engaged...
You make me smile you make me laugh
Especially when you wear that little black sash
You’re so fun to be with; I love when we're together
The only person I could be with from now until forever
Your eyes get wide whenever you speak
Plus that dimple will appear on the side of your cheek
Weather happy or sad you can’t hide it from me
This is why we’re ment for all time & eternity
You're amazing Lauren, you're one of a kind
Which is why I will love you until the end of time!!
Happy Valentines day to my one and only!!!

Hi Lauren! I just got Lauren Lawson's blog, and found yours attached to it, so I thought I'd leave you a note to say hi. I would make it rhyme, but I'll leave the poetry to your hubby. He is super good at it. The poem is really cute. Have a fun day!
Heather Porter
Oh no! Another blog to read! I'm going to be in trouble soon trying to keep up with it. Hope you guys are well! Love ya,
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