This past weekend Mike was out of town with this brother and brother-in-laws doing a little male bonding....so my mom invited me to stay the night with her and some of the Edwardsville Ward ladies in St. Charles Mo. They all went to Time Out for Women On Saturday, so they came up with an awesome idea to meet Friday evening for dinner stay the night so they would be there in the morning. I of course had to work on Saturday, so sadly I couldn't go...But it was so much fun! We stayed up WAY to late watching the coverage of Hurricane Ike. Or should I say lack of Coverage....see below........
Historic St. Charles Mo

Our Hotel

Now as we were getting ready for Bed Heather Porter and I were just watching a little Ike action when out of nowhere this happened!!!!!!
Heather fell to the floor in laughter and I stood there in SHOCK!!!! Where is a TiVo when you need it! Thanks Heather for finding this!! I laughed even harder watching it the second time around!!!!PRICELESS!!!!
I think I have wet myself multiple times watching this over and over. I still can't believe we saw it LIVE! We're one of those people! Thanks for being a witness with me so nobody else thought I was nuts.
And you had an awesome heath bar ice cream pie with me!!! That video is too funny!!!
Hilarious...cracks me up!
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