Saturday, January 9, 2010

say hello to little baby girl...

Today as I woke up to tiny little kicks and bumps in my tummy....which is a feeling I *lOvE*...I thought it's time to introduce my favorite little lady...


Karen said...

I love that sweet little hand! Amazing!!

Jessica said...

That is so sweet! You made me tear up a bit! I'm so excited for you guys and excited that I get a new little niece to spoil! I can't wait for April!

amy said...

Oh, gosh! I am in love!!

Those are the best ultrasound pictures I've ever seen. A perfect profile AND a wave?! She's going to be so photogenic...

The Morgans said...

Congratulations to both you and Mike! That is so exciting. When the ultrasound tech told us "it's a girl" Scott got a really sullen look on his face. I asked him what was wrong and he said " I am never going to be able to discipline her." She has had his wrapped tightly around that little finger of hers ever since. Good luck Mike!!! :)