Hollie and the bridesmaids
We just finished a very busy and exciting week!I started the week off by picking up Monday and Tuesday (my usual days off) so I could take off Friday and Saturday for the wedding. So I worked EVERYDAY, got things ready for the wedding, had our cheerleading banquet Wednesday night, and threw in a doctors appointment!! IT WAS NUTS!!! It was worth every bit of the craziness to get to be a part of my cousins specail day. It was such a sweet ceremony. My cousin is more like a brother to me so it was neat to get to share that with him, Hollie and their baby Jackson. They live in Arkansas, so my grandma, my mom, my sister, and I all headed down there early Friday morning to get the church set up. My dad flew in from Philadelphia that evening and Mike had to work all day Friday, so Mike picked my dad up from the air port and they came down Friday night! There were relatives flying in from all over the place!! We also threw Hollie a surprise shower Friday night, as if we needed to add to her stress level=)... By Saturday evening they were married and off on their honeymoon!! Unfortunately the night before we left Arkansas I got a stomach bug...it was gross! Poor Mike did an amazing job taking care of me at 3 o'clock in the morning he went searching around the hotel for soda and crackers!! What a stud! Needless to say it was a long ride home!! Luckily we survived and are able to share some pictures from the weekend, there are just a couple I'll put some more up when I get them!
The happy couple!!

Erica and I at the Cheerleading banquet...

whew! you need a good long bubble bath!! good job girlie!
What is it about weddings and getting sick? There seems to be some kind weird link. Someone always seems to get sick.
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