What are 5 things I have to do today?
1. Take Zoe on a walk (even though is -2 degrees outside...I'm a good mom)
2. go to work
3. do some hair
4. make some dinner(who am I kidding my sweet hubby will do that(=...)
5. LAUNDRY!!!!

Where was I 10 years ago?
I was 13(almost)...so I guess that's 7th grade..probably in school right now
5 snacks I like?
1. my FAV is hummus and pretzel chips
2. chips and salsa
3 anything chocolate
4. Reese mini eggs
5. honey crisp apples

What would I do if I was suddenly a billionaire?
book a trip to Germany!I got to go like 6 years ago and I so badly want to take mike!
4 bad habits that I have
1. eating late at night!
2. procrastinating
3. not being on time
4. my husband would say shopping, even though I don't see a problem=)

5 jobs that I have had
1. hairstylist
2. cheer coach
3. in high school I worked at a tanning salon
4. Denny's hostess (lasted 3 weeks!!)
5. baby-sitter

Do you know anyone famous?
Have you started any trends in the past year?
That's my job trendy haircuts!!

If you were a pizza topping, what would you be and why?
Sausage... that's my favorite topping...
What is your favorite clothing trend?
Lets just sum it up and say SHOES!!!
Which Sesame Street Character is your favorite?
ZOE!!!Little Cutie!!

Which character from Christmas Vacation do you see yourself most like?
Hopefully Ellen Griswold now there is a women who stands by her man!!

Lovely job on the tag, Lauren! I think these are pretty fun most of the time. I had no idea I was 7 years older than you. Man, I'm old. You are so mature for your age! :)
Nice blog! Just thought I would check in here and not be a "lurker" since that is a creepy word.
hey! just thought i'd weigh in! found your blog a couple of days ago, or i should say john did. it'll be so nice keeping up with you guys! good job cuz!
liz of liznjohn
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