So, for my birthday Mike decided to get me a bike...he also decided to pick one up for to love the way he thinks!!!=) Tonight we went for an evening ride the pictures are a bit blurry, but you can get the idea...

Man!!!! I was just re-reading this and I can't get over how small Mike makes that bike look!! I forget sometimes how tall he is until I see it in a picture! I promise that IS and adult bike he is on!
to i didnt know you had 2updates!! go big sister who loves me!
do you know i feel the same way about john's bigness? i'm used to it, and don't really think about it until he completely dwarfs something, like our kingsize bed! then i'm like, jeez, yeah, you really are huge!!
Happy Birthday! Have you been out to Alton to stand Mike next to the tallest man in the world statue? Maybe then he won't look so ginormous. :)
Yes, that would make a good picture. Perfect stair steps. You probably are to Mike as he is to Robert Wadlow. -Ha Ha! No really, you two are way cute together. Bruce and I don't have that whole height difference so much. He's only about 2 inches taller than I am. We don't even have to adjust the seat position when we drive the same car. As a matter of fact, I can even ride his bike comfortably when it's sized for him.
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